November, 2023

Lessmann is celebrating its 75th company anniversary

At the beginning of October, Lessmann “The German Brush Company” held two-day celebrations to mark the company’s 75th anniversary.

In the best late summer weather, 150 invited guests came to the company ceremony on Friday morning, including customers, suppliers, consultants, neighbors, political representatives as well as friends and family. In addition, all 250 company employees were invited to take part in the official part of the celebration in the marquee.

Managing directors Dieter and Jürgen Lessmann welcomed everyone present and included short anecdotes from the past, reaching back to their grandfather. Further speeches followed: The mayor of Oettingen, Thomas Heydecker, pointed out in his welcoming speech that a company in Germany only lives for 12 years on average – and Lessmann’s 75 years are therefore a great achievement. Stefan Horst, Managing Director of the German Tool Industry Association (FWI), praised Lessmann’s professionalism, reliability and sustainability in his speech. However, the term “humanity” is the term that, in his opinion, best describes the two managing directors. In recognition of everything they had achieved, he handed over Dieter and Jürgen Lessmann an “award”. As a further point on the agenda, Paul Ostberg, a close advisor to the company, spoke about different options for corporate management and that ultimately it is the right mix of different leadership styles that makes a company successful.

In addition to the speeches, two new films about Lessmann were shown as highlights, which on the one hand showed the company’s products and history and on the other hand presented Lessmann as a modern and fair employer in the region.

The rock band from the Maria Stern secondary school from Nördlingen provided the musical accompaniment. Cornelia Kitzsteiner, Lessmann’s sales manager, moderated the program in an entertaining manner.

All invited guests were then shown around the company in small groups and the official event ended with an informal get-together.

Modern industrial company presents itself to the public
On the second day of the celebrations there was an open day for the public. Many visitors from near and far took the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of the high-tech production facility. Machines were shown in operation, which greatly impressed the guests. The newly built administration building, which was only moved in in 2021, could also be visited. Attractions such as various games for young and old, a cinema with chips and popcorn or a trivia quiz ensured good entertainment during the tour of the production facility.

Proceeds from the brush flea market donated
Brushes that could be purchased at the brush flea market were very popular. From hand brushes to technical brushes, there was a wide range of brushes at bargain prices. As a thank you for the Oettinger Waldkindergarten setting up a colorful children’s program on the open day, the entire proceeds of €2,500 were donated to the kindergarten.

Ending with an internal employee celebration
At the end of the celebrations, the management did not miss the opportunity to invite all employees to an internal celebration on Saturday evening. With good food and drink, the party celebrated late into the night in a good atmosphere.


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