June, 2024

Lessmann one of Bavaria’s strongest medium-sized companies in 2024

Lessmann is excellent! Lessmann impressed in the ranking “Bavaria’s strongest medium-sized companies 2024” and landed in an outstanding 136th place out of a total of 2,942 companies considered. The rating agency Creditreform, in cooperation with the SZ Institut, carried out the comprehensive company analysis for the second time this year, in which ultimately only 213 companies received the award at all and are thus among Bavaria’s strongest medium-sized companies in 2024, as published by the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

All almost 3,000 medium-sized companies were analyzed neutrally and independently. In order to filter out the strongest medium-sized companies from all companies, the following criteria were considered: realistic development of the number of employees, realistic sales development, review of payment practices, order situation, positive balance sheet rating and creditworthiness index. Only companies that meet all criteria were awarded.

German medium-sized companies are internationally known as top performers in the German economy and are considered a strong backbone of the economy. They are often family businesses that have held their own on the market for decades and impress with their awareness of tradition combined with modern visions of the future. Short decision-making processes, high levels of innovation, flexibility and independence are just a few of the many success factors of medium-sized companies. Lessmann GmbH also sees its strengths in these areas and thus scores points as a regionally rooted trainer and employer in the region.

“The award as Bavaria’s strongest medium-sized company 2024 came as a complete surprise to us. It is a great award that we owe to all employees in the company. We are very pleased that we have had success with our corporate strategy so far. And we work every day to continue to be an attractive employer with modern corporate management – to be a strong medium-sized company – in the future,” says Managing Director Dieter Lessmann.

Further information and a detailed report can be found here:

Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung


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